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Sikk Summer Nights: Ride to Griffith Observatory

  • Sikk Skooers 4491 153rd Street Lawndale, CA, 90260 United States (map)

We are excited to bring back our Sikk Summer Night Rides and we are kicking things off with a bang! This month we are going to ride to Hollywood for dinner at @doomies @doomiesnextmex and then we will ride up to the Griffith Observatory to explore the grounds and the attractions until the main attraction, watching the sunset from on top off the Hollywood Hills into the Pacific Ocean. From there we will take Vermont all the back down ending the ride back at the shop. Make sure you come gassed up and ready to go as there will be no fuel stops along the way!

July 20

Coffee & Minis Swap Meet

August 17

Sikk Summer Nights: Movies in the Park: Kung Fu Panda 4